85th birthday cake for an amateur artist

Just finished this cake requested by a lovely lady who wanted to treat her special friend for his 85th birthday.


The cake is a rich fruit cake with marzipan and white icing decorated to reflect his interests and hobbies. Pat was keen that the cake was not too garish so we stuck to muted colours to make a sugar artist’s palate and brushes as Roy is a talented oil painter. His career as an accountant is hinted at with the band of £ signs interspersed with little birds as a nod to his interest in ornithology. Being a fruit cake it will last for ages so he can enjoy it for weeks to come if there is any left after his party.

roys note

New Wedding Cake Commission

This week, I met with the lovely Az in the tea rooms close to her wedding venue in Beaulieu to discuss the details of her wedding cake over a cuppa.

The happy bride-to-be

The wedding is in July and the groom is a gardener so they have a strong theme of living plants and flowers for their day. Az is going to carry an informal bouquet of pastel lilac, cream and white flowers and green foliage which she would like reflected in her cake.

She has chosen a stacked three tiered cake in chocolate, lemon and traditional fruit cake on the top (specially for her mum), which will be iced in ivory and scattered with blossoms to match the flowers in her bouquet.

Az particularly wanted two birds on the top and after an on the spot internet search we found our inspiration. I will make a simple sugar tree with two little birds in the branches and the bride and groom’s initials scratched on the trunk.

A sketch of the final cake design

Really looking forward to getting started.   I’ll post pictures of the final product in July…