Classic Car

Rosemary and Derek wanted a memorable cake for their son’s 60th birthday. They chose a Victoria sandwich cake in the shape of classic sports car. We added personalised number plates and some silver lustre to make it sparkle. I hope it went down well Rosemary, it was great fun to make.

Golden Wedding Sponge cake

I made a birthday cake for Amy’s mum a couple of years ago and she contacted me again to ask for a golden wedding cake for their important family celebration. This is a layered vanilla sponge with jam and buttercream filling, topped with gold and white blossoms and gold script. She picked the cake up on the way to the family celebration. Hope you all had fun and that the cake went down well.

Quilt makers cake

Kens wife Elizabeth is a keen quilter and he asked if I could bake her a special birthday cake with the sort of applique quilting squares that she sews as part of the design. Inside is a marzipan covered gluten-free fruit cake.

Taylor Swift

Jackie’s daughter is a ‘Swifty’ and has tickets for her upcoming concert in London. She had to talk me through exactly what was needed for a Taylor Swift birthday cake as I’m afraid Abba and Elton John are more my era. However, I can now recite all the album names plus their associated colours and symbols.. who knew?. Inside this creation is a layered chocolate, vanilla and chocolate orange sponge. I hope this cuts it Jackie, it was great fun to do.

Golfing theme

Mary has made a lovely fruit cake for her friend’s birthday but asked my if I would ice it with a golfing theme. The cake looked and smelled delicious when I opened it up Mary, hope it is a success.

Macaron Cake

I’ve made a few cakes for Jenny and her family over the years and this time she wanted something a bit indulgent to celebrate her sister’s 50th birthday. This is a five-layered pink and white sponge filled with buttercream and jam and iced in pink and white stripey buttercream, On top are raspberry macarons and fresh strawberries and it is crowned with a sparkly, pink, bespoke topper. hope the family had a super day,

Ribbons and Roses

David contacted me a few weeks ago as his family were congregating in Milford for a holiday by the sea to celebrate his wife’s birthday. He had seen a cake a bit like this one on my website and asked if I could do one for him. I delivered it to their holiday house on a beautiful sunny day, I hope you all had a lovely time.

Climbing wall

Theo was having a very exciting 6th birthday including the installation of a climbing wall in his bedroom. His Mum asked me to make this vanilla jam and buttercream sponge in the shape of a climbing wall, complete with Theo clambering up it for his party. How wonderful. Climb carefully Theo.

Sunshine and flowers

Linda has asked me to make several cakes for her family over the years. Now it is her turn. Her husband contacted me and requested a lemon layer cake to celebrate Linda’s 70th birthday. She is a bit of a sun worshipper and loves her garden. Geoff was very specific about there being sugar dahlias and daisies on the cake as well as her sun-cream and sunglasses, so here we are. I delivered it to Ray’s Italian Kitchen ready for her party this weekend, Hope you all had a good time.