Christmas Simnel Cake

Cheryl’s partner loves the traditional Easter simnel cake. So we adapted it for Christmas. Delicious lightly spiced fruit cake filled and topped with home made marzipan and decorated with toasted marzipan holly and ivy leaves and a little festive sparkle. Here it is wrapped and ready to go.

Christmas 2020

So here are my final batch of Christmas cakes ready to go out this year. It’s been a very strange 9 months but with your support we have at least showed that there is very little that cannot be improved by the addition of a surprise cake. Here’s to a happier 2021.

Digestive biscuit cupcakes

Kelly’s dad is a serious digest biscuit addict (there are worse vices). It was his birthday this week and Kelly asked me to bake a batch of squidgy chocolate cupcakes each topped with a sugar (not real) digestive biscuit. Not that easy but after some playing around with sugar paste and colours I was quite pleased with the finished result. Not a real biscuit in sight!